You COULD go to the dentist to have your teeth professionally whitened before prom, but you can also do this at home for a LOT less money!
A great way to start is with whitening strips. I have had the best luck with Crest brand standard strips, but I’m sure any national brand would be great. I personally haven’t had good luck with any store brand strips, so I would NEVER buy them again! The strips were thick and didn’t cling to my teeth as well as the Crest brand. Make sure you follow the package directions!
Make sure you brush and floss according to your dentist’s instructions. Use whitening toothpaste. Clean teeth are white teeth!
Skip beverages that can stain your teeth – coffee, brown soft drinks, tea, or red juices. If you must, then use a straw to keep the beverage off your teeth! Did you know that smoking also yellows your teeth? Just one more reason not to smoke, in case you needed any!
Lipstick colors can affect how your teeth look. You can create the illusion of whiter teeth by using a darker lipstick.
Use a self tanner (or a few sessions in a tanning bed – if it’s ok with your parents) to make your skin darker, so your teeth look whiter.
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