Monday, January 4, 2010

Prom Countdown Checklist

3-4 Months

Outline your budget. Think about how much you’ll need, where you can get it, and if you’ll need to find a part time job to have the night of your dreams.

Start looking for and purchase your gown. Many popular styles sell out early, some by the end of January – if you find something you love, you might not be able to get it later! Also, since Mestads registers your gown, you’ll want to shop early to get the most selection – before everyone else at your school buys the gowns you love.

Start thinking about dates. Who would you like to go with? How can you make that happen? If you don’t already, now is a great time to introduce yourself to the guy of your dreams!

3 Months

Choose your gown. If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to make a decision about what you’ll wear on the big night. You want to make sure you allow time for alterations – seamstresses get busy in the spring time!

Get healthy. If you plan to start working out, now is a great time. Begin a healthy eating plan, and be sure to let mom know about your plan. It’s easier to stick to a plan when you have support and encouragement from your family!

Hair and nails. Your healthy eating regimen will help your nails grow strong, and your hair to have a healthy shine. Taking care to condition and trim both will help them look their best by prom night.

Practice good table manners. Not that you don’t already have them, but practice makes perfect! Start using a napkin in your lap at every meal, using please and thank you, asking to be excused, etc, and you’ll be in good practice by the time the big night rolls around.

Try out hairstyles. Once you’ve selected your gown, start experimenting with different hairstyles. Take pictures of what you like, so you can show your stylist the day of prom.

2 Months

Prom plans. Start organizing time for the girls to get ready together before prom. This makes for easy photos for parents, and for the car to pick you up in one place! Work out your after prom plans, and run it by your parents – involving them will help them feel good about the choices you’ll be making that night.

Make appointments. Hair? Nails? Spa day? Dinner reservation? Whatever appointments you’ll need for the day of prom, start calling now, or you’ll be having your hair done at 7am.

Accessorize your gown. Now that you have your gown and hair style figured out, choose accessories. Big earrings without a necklace is the hottest look for prom this year, but what you choose will depend on what you’re wearing, and the look you’re going for. Also think about shoes, so that you can have your gown hemmed to the correct length. You’ll need the shoes for your fitting.

Help select his tux. Let him know what color you’ll be wearing, and be sure to give him a $25 off coupon from Mestads, so you’ll earn $10 when he books and pays for his prom tux (see coupon for full details). He should be booked and measured at least two weeks before prom. If it ends up being closer, call us! It may be possible to get a tux at the last minute.

1 Month

Have your gown altered. If you haven’t already, get your gown altered so that it fits you perfectly. It may fit differently now that you’re fit from eating healthy and working out.

Break in your shoes. Wear them around your house in comfy clothes, so you’ll have them just the way you want them by prom night!

Order a boutonniere. A what? It’s the flower that is pinned to your date’s tux. Make sure to order in plenty of time so you can choose the flowers you like best.

Corsage. Remind your date to order one. Usually these are worn on the wrist, since you don’t want it pinned to your gown. Tell him this! Guys don’t read minds. If you book through the same place, the florist may be able to make your flowers coordinate. This might be something you can do together, and get both done at the same time!

Make a “To Do” checklist. This is a list of everything you need to get done before the big night. Examples: Have your gown steamed; confirm appointments, purchase undergarments, coordinate plans with other couples.

Make a “Day Of” Checklist. This will include a schedule of the day’s events, including appointments. What will you need to have in your purse? After prom bag?
Tell your date a few things. What to expect when he meets your parents, what time to meet you for pictures, when dinner is, what you are doing after. Make sure you’re on the same page about the events of the day.

Make sure you get lots of beauty sleep. Plan ahead so you look refreshed by the big day.

2 Days

Don’t panic. Seriously! The morning of my prom I had a bawling panic, complete with red eyes and a puffy face. So not worth it! Take deep breaths and have the time of your life!

Fill your prom purse. Begin putting things in your purse so it’s all ready for the big night. Make a list of what you’ll need to put in at the last minute and keep that in your purse. This way, you won’t forget anything!

Attend appointments. Now is the time to get your hair and nails done!

Pick up the boutonniere. Keep it fresh in the refrigerator.

Remind your date to pick up the tux. If he’s rented it at Mestads, he should come in two days before the event. This way if something isn’t right, we can get a replacement.

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